Roofing Replacement and Roofing Repair Works Framework
- Repair and maintenance services
- Roof
- Roof-covering and roof-painting work
- Roof-covering work
- Roof-tiling work
- Roof-slating work
- Bituminous roof-covering work
- Flashing and guttering work
- Flashing work
- Sheeting work
- Roof insulation work
- Roof repair and maintenance work
- Roof repair
- Roof maintenance work
- award
- contract
6 months ago
Efficiency East Midlands Ltd (EEM) is a not for profit consortium which establishes and manages a range of framework and DPS agreements. Our membership has now grown to over 360 public sector organisations including housing associations and ALMO's, Local Authorities, NHS trusts, Education Providers, Blue Light Services, Government Agencies and Charities. EEM have also established a formal collaboration with 3 like-minded procurement consortia-Westworks, South East Consortium and Advantage South West. The membership list for these three consortia may be obtained from the following websites addresses: ( ( ( EEM have conducted a tender exercise to procure a Roofing Replacement and Roofing Repairs Services Framework to replace our existing Framework which expired in July 2024. The Framework will provide EEM Members with a provision for their Roofing Services covering both Domestic & Commercial properties to help members deliver a roofing solution. The Framework agreement is for a period of 48 months, running from Monday 22nd July 2024 to 21st July 2028. Seven contractors have been awarded onto the Framework, covering the geographical sublots of National and the Midlands, ensuring that all our member's requirements are covered taking into consideration the range of locations our members are located in. The Framework requires EEM to covers England & Wales under the following sublots: Lot 1 Roofing Replacement, Sublot 1 Midlands and Sublot 2 National Coverage. Lot 2 Roofing Repairs, Sublot 1 Midlands and Sublot 2 National Coverage. Contracting Authorities can use a Direct Selection or Mini Competition to appoint a Contractor and only the Contractor who sits on the relevant geographical sublots, the Contracting Authority is looking to use can participate in the selection process.
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