GSP1230 - Provision of Scanners and Arches - AWARD
- Security equipment
- award
Submission Deadline
4 years ago
4 years ago
The tender documents will be accessible at the following website To be able to access these documents you will need to select the above quoted tender, GSP1230, in the 'current tenders' list, click on the 'view tender details' and express interest by clicking on the button provided. Afterwards, you will need to register your company details, thereafter you will be issued with a username and password. If you have already registered with In-Tend previously, please follow the link shown, this will redirect you to the home page where you can log on using your existing username and password to collect the tender documents. If you have registered and have forgotten your username and password, please click on the forgotten password link on the In-Tend homepage. Please keep this username and password secure, and do not pass it to any third parties. Please ensure that you allow yourself plenty of time when responding to this invitation to tender prior to the closing date. If you are uploading multiple documents you will have to individually load one document at a time or you can opt to zip all the documents in an application like WinZip or WinRar.
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