Seed Collection & Associated Services
- Elsoms Trees Ltd
- Forres Tree Services Ltd
- Catkin Ecology
- arbcore ltd
- Forestry Contractors Scotland
- Forestart Ltd
- Murray Forestry Ltd
- RH Tree Contractors
- Squirrely Tree Carr
- M&H Tree Services Ltd
- Scotia Seeds
- SM Foresty Ltd
- HAKI Access Solutions Ltd
- Highland Access ltd
- Duncan Currie
- Fyfe forestry ltd
- W M Shorthouse Forestry Limited
- Sword Forestry Ltd
- Horticultural services
- Forestry services
- Tree seeding
- award
- contract
2 weeks ago
Forestry and Land Scotland (the Authority) look after the national forests and land to enhance biodiversity, support tourism, and increase access to the green spaces that will help improve Scotland’s physical and mental health and well-being. The Authority also continues to provide vital timber supplies to support a sustainable rural economy. Further information on who the Authority is and what it does can be found here: The Authority had a requirement to place a Framework Agreement with external Contractors for the provision of Seed Collection and Associated Services (including, Processing and Testing and Seed Supply). Within this Framework Agreement specification, the Authority had a requirement for the provision of the following services: - Aerial Seed Collection; - Ground Seed Collection; - Rope Access Seed Collection; - Seed Processing, Testing and Storage; and - Seed Supply.
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