Counselling and Therapeutic Service - (CYP) - Barnado's - C328632
- Psychiatrist or psychologist services
- award
- contract
2 weeks ago
Deliver integrated Counselling and Therapeutic Services for Children and young people aged 8-18.<br/>The counselling and therapeutic provision, outlined in this specification, forms part of our new wider universal offer to support CYP emotional and mental health needs though a Single Point of Access (SPA) model. This has been an iterative process and is the result of significant discussion with partners in social care, education and health and with CYP, parents and carers. The resulting proposed model extends beyond traditional CAMH services to improve access into a wide range of services for local CYP, with a strong focus on early intervention and prevention. In addition to the service provision covered by this specification, other third sector provision will be offered to CYP through the SPA and social prescribing including physical activities, art, culture and leisure activities, school-based services and digital options. In September we launched Kooth, a digital solution for CYP in Islington to access counselling and therapeutic services. This new whole systems approach will reduce waiting times into CAMHS for those CYP who need more specialised support, enabling them to be seen quicker. Participation and engagement work will continue with local CYP and parents and carers to form an essential part of the implementation process.
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