T0611 Back-up power generation for Operational Technology
- Research and development services and related consultancy services
- award
Submission Deadline
5 months ago
3 months ago
The Consultant undertakes the following activities to comply with the deliverables and timescales outlined in the table specified in S730.1 for all packages. The Consultant also considers the stakeholders, relationships, legal and Licence requirements that may or will be required to support the Client in these endeavours. A Benefits Realisation Plan will be developed as part of this Task Order, in the meantime a key benefit will be the confidence that our customers will be able to have the same safe and reliable journeys during times of power outages thanks to the availability of back-up power generation for our critical operational technologies. The need for this has increased as the number of safety critical items on the SRN increases. This Work Order has been spilt into 6 packages with the package titles as follows: - WP1000 - Current technologies and understanding - WP2000 - Review of power outages over (last 10 years) and impact on National Highways - WP3000 - Recommendations on suitable generation technology (complementary with Net Zero Highways) and recommendations on which operational technology to prioritise - WP4000 - Development of Initial Outline Business Case (IOBC) for next phase - WP5000 - Stakeholder engagement - WP6000 - Project management and governance
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