AMP 8 Framework- Capital Strategic Delivery Partners (SDP)





  • Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
  • Construction work for water and sewage pipelines
  • Water-main refurbishment construction work
  • Pumping station construction work
  • Water-treatment plant construction work
  • Drinking-water treatment plant construction work
  • Consultative engineering and construction services
  • Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy
  • Project management consultancy services
  • Sewer construction work
  • Sewage-treatment plant construction work
  • Wastewater treatment plant construction work
  • Sludge-dewatering plant construction work


  • award
  • contract


3 months ago


Southern Water Services (SWS) is anticipating that AMP8 will be the largest investment programme it has ever undertaken, given its plans for WINEP and WRMP, and the service it is seeking to deliver for customers. SWS now wishes to secure a range of supply chain partners for the delivery of its AMP8 capital programme. The AMP8 regulatory period will run from April 2025 to March 2030. The current frameworks used for engineering, design and construction services have been in place for almost 10 years and expire on 31st March 2025. In procuring new frameworks, we are seeking to build on positive changes made in AMP7, but also to look beyond AMP8 and take important steps to reflect supplier feedback, moving towards excellence in all that we do. The new arrangements will offer the option of running for AMP9.
In parallel to this procurement process, Southern Water is working up its plans for PR24 – including working with our regulators and stakeholders to confirm the investment that will be available, and the capital delivery projects that will need to be undertaken. The PR24 process will benefit from having the AMP8 supply chain in place to assist with ongoing planning and transition to AMP8.
A collaborative framework for the delivery of strategic programmes, including; strategic planning, outline design, detailed design and build
The scope of the framework is anticipated to be as follows:
Services across the Client’s geographical region including Isle Of Wight (IOW).
This is intended to be used for a Strategic Delivery Partner working across the Asset Lifecycle Process providing strategic planning, design, construction management services and expertise.
Identify and develop options in accordance with the Client’s technical and engineering standards for all aspects of Water, Wastewater and Infrastructure systems.
Achieve the required asset performance or customer outcomes by identifying:
low build or no-build solutions.
sustainable including low carbon, catchment, and nature-based solutions.
lowest Totex or Best Value solutions across an agreed Tranche or Programme of works.
how the solution(s) deliver benefit as measured through the Client’s Balanced Scorecard, and at an aggregate catchment or system level.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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