SC240015 - Street Sweepings and Highway Mechanical Arisings Processing Services
- Refuse and waste related services
- award
Submission Deadline
11 months ago
4 months ago
As a Waste Disposal Authority, Kent County Council has a statutory responsibility to dispose of waste collected by the Waste Collection Authorities, of which includes Street Sweepings ("SS") and Highway Mechanical Arisings ("HMA") collected by a street sweeper vehicle. The Provider will be required to have in place: • a waste processing facility with appropriate permitting and planning permissions; • an electronic weighbridge for the weighing-in of material delivered to their facility to provide the Council with the appropriate management information (including weigh-loader transaction listings); • policies and procedures that recover materials in accordance with the waste hierarchy to maximise reuse and recycling and to avoid sending any waste to landfill; and • robust service contingency plans to ensure continuity of services in the event of plant failure, etc. The Contract is for an initial period of two years, with a potential extension option of up to a further two years.
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