RFQ_128938 - Evaluation of NPL Quantum Programme





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Submission Deadline

5 days from now


3 weeks ago


The National Quantum Technologies Programme (NQTP) was a government initiative launched in 2013 to advance quantum technologies, including computing, sensing, and communications, in the UK. The program has received over £1 billion in funding, aiming to position the UK as a global leader in quantum science. It focuses on research, industry partnerships, and commercialization, driving scientific advancements and economic growth through groundbreaking quantum technologies.
We would like to invite proposals for the end-of-programme evaluation of the NPL Quantum Programme (2020-24). The purpose of this evaluation will be: 1) to collate and generate  evidence to substantiate impact from the programme which would help NPL secure funding for subsequent phases; 2) to refine evidence submission to the upcoming Spending Review; and 3) to provide a clear picture of successes, shortcomings, and potential areas of growth that would inform future programmes.

As such, the key audience for this evaluation would be NPL's primary funder, the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT), along with NPL's internal staff and management. Outputs from the evaluation will also be used for stakeholder engagement activities and broader marketing purposes.

To express interest in this tender please use the following URL: https://lupc.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.shtml you will need to register on the landing page if not already registered, and you can search for  the tender there.



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