BE24104 - Projections of Climate Risks, Their Societal Impact and Cost, And the Cost and Effectiveness of Adaptation Measures for Farmed Landscapes






  • Research and development services and related consultancy services
  • Research consultancy services
  • Environmental impact assessment other than for construction


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  • contract


2 months ago


The final date and time for the submission of bids is Tuesday 23rd July 2024 at 14:00.
DO NOT apply directly to the buyer.
All tender information MUST be submitted through the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal.
Brief Description of Requirement
UK Shared Business Services Limited (UK SBS) on behalf of the Climate Change Committee (CCC) invite you to this Request for Proposal for Projections of Climate Risks to Health and Health Services from Extreme Heat: Their Societal Impact and Cost, And the Cost and Effectiveness of Adaptation Measures.
The UK Climate Change Act 2008 requires that every five years, the UK government must publish a Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA). The Fourth UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA4) Government Report is due to be published in January 2027.
As part of CCRA4, the CCC will be developing a new output to complement the Technical Report as produced in previous CCRAs. This output - to be known as the 'Well-adapted UK report' (WA report) - will focus on the potential for key aspects of the UK adaptation challenge to reduce the climate risks threatening the achievement of key UK policy and societal outcomes and hence set out a vision for aspects of a well-adapted UK.
This WA report will be informed by a set of commissioned, bespoke analysis projects, in-house CCC analysis and wider external evidence. The analysis will need to be developed collaboratively with decision makers and consider both risk and adaptation interventions as systemically as possible, while focusing on delivering social and economic analysis and evidence at appropriate spatial scales.
This analysis will feed in the evidence base for understanding the climate resilience of UK farmed landscapes, with a focus on adaptation interventions that can reduce climate risks to these landscapes whilst supporting agricultural productivity, nature recovery and providing wider societal and ecosystem benefits.
This analysis will look to:
-Project and cost the expected climate impacts experienced across representatives of UK farmed landscapes (e.g. upland, lowland and coastal) from temperature and rainfall changes (including extremes) and drought in the 2030s and 2050s, including impacts on nature and agricultural productivity, without increased adaptation ambition.
-Evidence the scale of benefits (climate risk reduction) and the cost effectiveness of adaptation interventions within farmed landscapes to secure food production and enhance nature and provide wider societal and ecosystem service benefits. Assess the main co-benefits and trade-offs of these adaptation interventions.
-Build a national scale scenario of cost-effective adaptation out to the 2050s.
Please ensure you review all attached information to ensure a full understanding of this requirement. All attachments can be found with the Supplier Attachments tab within the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal.
This contract will be awarded based on the evaluation criteria as set out in the RFP document.
How to Apply
UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UKSBS) will be using the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal for this procurement.
To register on the Jaggaer eSourcing portal please use the link and follow the instructions to register as a supplier.
If you are already registered on the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal and wish to participate in this procurement, please use the link:
Once you are logged into the system you will be able to locate the Procurement you wish to leave a bid on by clicking the ITTs Open to All Suppliers and searching for the reference number itt_1643 / BE24104.



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