Innovation Chain North Framework (Also known as "ICN")






  • Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses


  • award

Submission Deadline

1 year ago


6 months ago


The framework is scheduled to commence from 4th July 2024. \r
It will consist of 26 Consultancy Lots.  \r
It will also consist of 11 Construction Lots: Five Low Value Lots (up to 34 units), Two High Value Lots (35 units +), MMC Contractors (Two lots for this workstream based on Geographical Location; East and West), and Apartment Specialist Contractors Two lots for this workstream based on Geographical Location; East and West). \r
Great Places Housing Group (GPHG) welcomes bids from the open Construction and Construction Consultancy markets in order for both Construction Contractors and Construction Consultants to be offered a place on the Framework. There is no limit on the number of Lots of which bidders can be allocated. The framework can also be accessed by other registered social housing providers and local authorities. \r
To find the The Tender Opportunity on ProContract please refer to the following details/instructions below:\r
ProContract Reference of DN669573\r
Should you wish to bid for this opportunity then please register on the link below.\r
Registration is free of charge and once registered you will be automatically notified of any other appropriate opportunities.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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