Lifecourse Healthy Weight Services
- Miscellaneous health services
- award
- contract
8 months ago
The subject matter of this process relates to the delivery of services which are listed in Schedule 3 of the Public Contract Regulations. Oxfordshire County Council has awarded a contract for Healthy Weight Support Services in Oxfordshire. This will support and enable residents across the life-course to achieve and maintain a healthy weight by offering a range of universal preventative initiatives at tier 1 and healthy weight services at tier 2. The service will work with system partners across the pathway to ensure an efficient use of resources and a streamlined pathway of care between tiers 1-4. It will avoid perpetuating weight stigma and use co-production approaches in the design of healthy weight services. A key element of this service will be to engage population groups with high overweight and obesity prevalence (such as those living in priority neighbourhoods and those from ethnic minority communities) in order to tackle health inequalities. We are aiming to increase the number of adults, children and families who are a healthy weight as part of the Whole Systems Approach to Healthy Weight in Oxfordshire. The tier 1 and tier 2 multi-component life-course healthy weight service for Oxfordshire outlined in the service specification is expected to support the range of interventions which contribute to achieving this. The Contract commenced on 1 June 2024, with service delivery commencing from 1 September 2024. The Contract period is expected to expire on 31 March 2028. The Council has the option to extend the term of the contract for an additional 3 years in aggregate (until 31 March 2031).
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