Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector Commissioning 2023 - Phase 3
- Health and social work services
- Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- award
- contract
9 months ago
The Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE) plays a vital role in Kingston supporting some of the borough’s most vulnerable residents. The sector has played a crucial role in the Kingston Covid response and continued funding of local Voluntary Community Sector organisations is an important part of ensuring the Authority has an effective approach to early help and prevention. These proposals build on learning from the Covid response, the priorities of the Communities Taskforce, the recommendations from Seizing the Moment, and sector best practice. The service priorities, specification requirements and monitoring approach have been co-designed with the sector. A phased approach to the commissioning process has been adopted, with contracts falling into earlier Phase 1 and 2 contracts, this Phase 3, and the remaining contracts into further phases during 2024. This procurement exercise is in relation to Phase 3 only. There are seven (7) proposed commissioning themes in Phase 3. Each commissioning theme has lots which indicate the type of service provision required. This assists us in focussing our intentions into areas of need. Potential providers may bid for one or more theme lots within the overarching commissioning themes. Providers must be capable of providing all elements within a theme lot. Theme lots will not be further divided. The Authority is using an Open Procedure for this procurement of services categorised as ‘social and other specific services’ under Schedule 3 of Regulations. This procurement exercise will therefore be subject to the Light Touch Regime (LTR) under Regulations 74 to 77 as set out in the Regulations. Contract Term: Initial Term of 3 years with option to extend by two further periods of up to 12 months each. (3+1+1 = 5 years).
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