Dry Mixed Recycling Waste Delivery Location Rutland County Council
- Refuse recycling services
- award
- contract
9 months ago
The Council invited tenders for the supply of services in respect of a delivery location for the County’s dry mixed recycling either as a Materials Recovery Facility or a station where the waste is bulked and then moved to a secondary location for initial treatment/sorting The Council’s Waste Collection Contractor collects co-mingled recyclate from all Rutland households. The majority of collections are from 240litre wheeled bins, with some collections being from larger/communal bins and a very small number of collections being bagged. These collections also incorporate a small number of ‘commercial’ and ‘schedule 2’ properties. The Council’s DMR collections are on alternate weeks to collections of Residual Waste, so the Contractor should expect ‘on weeks’ and ‘off weeks’ in terms of the Council’s DMR waste flows. The DMR will be directly delivered to the Delivery Points in standard refuse collection vehicles, with the DMR being subject to compaction. The Council’s DMR material consists of the following Target Recyclable Materials: a. aerosol cans; b. aluminium foil; c. cardboard; d. cans and tins, drink and food, mixed ferrous and non-ferrous; e. glass bottles and jars, mixed; f. magazines, newspapers and pamphlets; g. paper, mixed, including catalogues, envelopes, mail, telephone directories and Yellow Pages; h. plastic bottles, mixed; i. plastic film; j. plastic pots, trays and tubs; and k. Tetrapak.
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