Living Water Enterprise
- Construction work
- Construction work for water and sewage pipelines
- Ancillary works for water pipelines
- Storm-water piping construction work
- Works related to water-distribution pipelines
- Water-main refurbishment construction work
- Sewer construction work
- Sewerage work
- Foul-water piping construction work
- Sewage work
- Sewage outfall construction work
- Water distribution and related services
- Pumping station construction work
- Sewage treatment works
- Sludge-treatment works
- Sewage pumping stations construction work
- Water-treatment work
- Wastewater pumping station
- Sewage-treatment plant construction work
- Water-treatment plant construction work
- Drinking-water treatment plant construction work
- Wastewater treatment plant construction work
- Sludge-dewatering plant construction work
- Wastewater-plant repair and maintenance work
- award
- contract
10 months ago
Delivering Northumbrian Water Limited's (NWL) AMP8 programme, and beyond, will require a step change in how we collaborate, manage risk and co-ordinate our capital investment. We have developed a clear vision and process for how we want to deliver our plan and our ambitious transformation programme to implement this roadmap has already commenced with the award of framework agreements for professional services contracts. These lay the foundations for our new supply chain landscape or 'Living Water Ecosystem'. This award notice is in relation to the Living Water Enterprise. A separate notice for the Wider Ecosystem lots (FA08-02) will be published on completion of that procurement process. The majority of NWL's complex long cycle programmes will be delivered by the Living Water Enterprise (LWE). It's a fully integrated, highly collaborative delivery vehicle which works seamlessly to achieve the best overall business outcomes. The LWE will: • Think and act as a single entity, focused on outcomes and mutual goals; • Incentivise performance to make sure collective success is the priority, not financial returns for any individual party; • Embed TOTEX principles across the LWE from the outset; • Place Delivery Optimisation as one of its key priorities and will consider this at a programme level to so that we operate a best athlete principle rather than rigid supplier boundaries. NWL have appointed a number of suppliers to the following lots: Living Water Enterprise Lots FA08-01 - Lot A - Infrastructure (North East) - Lot B - Treatment (North East) - Lot C - Treatment (Essex & Suffolk)
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