Landscape Character Assessment guidance update Phase 2 - stakeholder engagement and material preparation





  • Research consultancy services


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Submission Deadline

1 year ago


7 months ago


PLEASE NOTE - CORRECTION: An error in the weighting of the questions in relation to the technical criteria has been discovered in the RFQ. These have been updated in the RFQ (25.09.23)

Natural England is undertaking work on an update of the Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) 'Approach' document, through a set of three phased and interlinked work packages. In addition to the technical update, the aim is to promote and demonstrate the benefits of LCA as a means of managing positive landscape change in different contexts to a wide range of stakeholders involved in land use planning and management. 

Phase 1 was completed earlier in 2023 and developed initial ideas on the process as a whole, as well as identifying specific requirements for the update. 

Phase  2 (this commission) will build on the work done in Phase 1 and will involve setting up and managing stakeholder engagement to gather views on the additions and changes needed for the LCA guidance update and how to promote and demonstrate the use of LCA to achieve broad environmental outcomes. It will also comprise the collation and preparation of draft content for the eventual update the LCA guidance (due in Phase 3), informed by the material and evidence gathered from the stakeholder engagement stage.

IMPORTANT: Please note the estimated contract value above is £30-40K excluding VAT, the estimated contract value including VAT is £36-48K. Tenders should be submitted including VAT as requested in the RFQ.

Additional information: PLEASE NOTE - CORRECTION: An error in the weighting of the questions in relation to the technical criteria has been discovered in the RFQ. These have been updated in the RFQ (25.09.23)

PLEASE NOTE: Closing date has been extended to 29th September (originally 22nd September)

IMPORTANT: Please note the estimated contract value above is £30-40K excluding VAT, the estimated contract value including VAT is £36-48K. Tenders should be submitted including VAT as requested in the RFQ.

To apply for this opportunity you must submit your quotation meeting the requirements detailed in the Request for Quotation (RFQ) attached.
Your response must be sent to [email protected] by 12 midday on 29th September 2023.

If you have any clarification questions linked to this opportunity or the procurement process please submit these via email to [email protected]. Please note that, unless commercially sensitive, both the question and the response will be circulated to all tenderers.



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Jacqui Jobbins

[email protected]


Timeline complete
