CEFAS23-155 Contract Marine benthic macroinvertebrate sample processing







  • Analysis services


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Submission Deadline

7 months ago


6 months ago


Cefas require a successful supplier to process 15 NIOZ core samples (which have been sub divided into 67 separate samples, with a maximum of 5 slices per core - see Annex 1); to extract and identify all biota retained following sieving on a 1.0 mm capture mesh, as per the NMBAQC guidelines detailing extraction and identification protocols.

Cefas require the data to be provided in an appropriate format (industry standard spreadsheet expected) and to include taxa abundance, species matrix and biomass by station.

In addition to the above, the analysis will be audited as per the NMBAQC own Samples protocol prior to final submission (Hall, 2019): The AQC will http://www.nmbaqcs.org/media/1764/os686970_summary-report.pdf. The AQC will be be organised and awarded by Cefas following the initial submission of the results from this contract.

A single reference collection of all species/taxa identified should be returned to the Cefas laboratories in Lowestoft, in an appropriate preservation liquid (i.e. 100% IDA or 70% IMS, 20% water and 10% glycerol). The reference collection should contain, as a minimum, the species name, name of identifier/ supervisor, station code, cruise code, date of collection and name of species identification verifier. A list of all taxa in the reference collection is also requested; in electronic form, with these details included. Notable taxa should be highlighted here such as non-native species and new or unusual records. Non-native species should be added to the Non-native Species Information Portal (NNSIP) (hosted on the Non-native Species Secretariat website, http://www.nonnativespecies.org/index.cfm?sectionid=81).

The abundance and biomass data matrices should be completed using the details in Annex 1, and then sent via email following completion. All species names must be run through the WoRMS 'Match Taxa' tool so that all naming is current (http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=match).

The supplier is to provide regular progress updates via email detailing the stage of each batch of samples in the process and estimated completion dates. It is also expected that there will be weekly project summary updates and correspondence.

Quality assurance:
Three NIOZ cores, comprising all associated sub samples, from this contract are to be subject to an independent QA process following the requirements of the NMBAQC 'own sample' scheme assessment criteria with the scheme coordinator (or their assigned AQC lab).

As this is also a project level audit the full data set will be quality assured; in addition to the samples selected to assess processing, additional taxa will be identified for review from the full data matrix.



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