Procurement Frameworks For RBKC Housing Management - Construction Works



The scope of the framework will include construction works including planned maintenance, refurbishment and improvement works to RBKC housing stock including provision of new installs, repair, replacement, removal, and / or overhaul including but not limited to the following types of works: Main and secondary roof coverings, parapets, chimneys, tank rooms, skylights, fascias and soffits, access and handrails.
Canopies and porches (e.g. canopies over top level walkways and balconies, and porches to entrances).
Roof voids (including structural timbers, sarking felt, insulation, fire breaks, lighting, access, ventilation, and fire breaks).
Rain water goods (e.g. roof outlets, gutters and downpipes).
Gullies (e.g. balcony and walkway gullies and ground gullies) and drainage.
Windows (including communal windows, and the windows of individual homes), and
rear/balcony doors.
External facades and elevations (including masonry, brickwork, concrete, render, infill
panels, and timber).
Metalwork (e.g. railings, grills, handrails and gates).
External facade fittings (e.g. vents, satellite dishes, aerials, cables, trunking, flues and other service penetrations, lightning protection/conductors, and lights).
External wall insulation (e.g. cavity wall insulation and other thermal insulation) and rain screen cladding.
Walkways and balconies.
Measures to address subsidence/movement and other structural problems (including
external balcony and walkway supports).
Internal communal parts (e.g. lobbies, reception areas, hallways, stairs, walls, ceilings,
handrails and floor coverings).
Communal doors, and front entrance doors of individual homes.
Fire safety measures, such as signage, fire-stopping, smoke ventilation and sprinklers.
Mechanical and electrical works where these are part of a larger, construction led project Pram sheds, bin stores, bin rooms, garages, fences and boundary walls, retaining walls.
footpaths, roads, parking, slabs and paving.
Kitchen and bathroom fittings.
And any other part of the fabric and structure of our buildings and estates.
New builds, adaptations and civil engineering works; extensions, internal fit-out, and
demolition; and groundworks.
Erection of scaffolding, and provision of other forms of access, where necessary to facilitate any of the above works.
Design services relating to any of the above works.
Identification and removal of asbestos.
Any other work or service associated with or ancillary to the above.



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Tai Tarian Ltd

Published 3 days ago

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