Next Flood Warning System (NFWS)
- Information technology services
- IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- Electronic message and information services
- Contact management software package
- Geographic information systems (GIS or equivalent)
- Short Message Service (SMS) services
- Software package and information systems
- Interactive voice response software package
- award
- contract
11 months ago
The EA has used a flood warning system (FWS) to deliver a flood warning service to the public, partners and the media for over twenty years. The current system has remained largely unchanged for many years. FWS is supported by satellite systems maintained by the EA and third-party suppliers in order to provide accurate and up-to-date information to users. This is a complex technology estate, and includes telemetry systems, forecasting systems and services all feeding into messages being issued from the FWS.<br/><br/>The purpose of this notice is to announce the award of the contract (which shall commence on 4th March 2024) for the next flood warning system (NFWS). Please refer to II.2.4.1 for further information.
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