Model development to assess the vulnerability of the Cayman Islands to storm surge and inland flooding, and the role and value of natural capital in mitigating the impacts
- Environmental services
- award
Submission Deadline
4 years ago
3 years ago
The Cayman Islands are highly dependent upon the natural environment for their economic and social wellbeing. They are also reliant on limited manmade assets. In the Caribbean in particular, these manmade capital assets, and human life, are vulnerable to both natural and manmade hazards. The natural environment is itself susceptible to damage from human activities - resulting in loss of value to the economy and reducing its ability to protect manmade assets and human well-being. The project will support the Cayman Islands understand the role of natural capital and incorporate this knowledge into plans, policies and procedures by enhancing their ability to prepare for / recover from their impact. Work will also contribute to the UK Government's new hurricane preparedness plans for the British Overseas Territories in the Caribbean . Building upon the work to date, this CSSF-funded project will develop a GIS-based model to assess the risk to livelihood and infrastructure from storm surge/inland flood and assess the role and economic value of the Cayman Islands' natural capital in protection of manmade capital - to assess the vulnerability (susceptibility) of manmade capital to natural hazards such as (but not limited to) storm surge, in the coastal zone and landslip or flash flooding in the terrestrial environment; and build upon the British Virgin Islands developed GIS based model and application for the Cayman Islands. JNCC is supporting the Cayman Island Government by monitoring environmental change in the context of the role of natural capital in mitigating hurricane impacts, with the emphasis on supporting economic reconstruction, preparations for, and recovery from future hurricane impacts. The project aims to demonstrate the monetary and functional value of the natural environment to the Cayman Islands, including the importance of effective land use planning and restoration (nature-based solutions) to mitigate the effects of climate. This project aims to: A. Research existing surge models to develop and/or refine existing GIS-based models for the Cayman Islands to identify communities and infrastructure at risk from storm surge/inland flood events; B. Undertake an economic assessment of the functional role and value of the natural environment across the Cayman Islands in mitigating terrestrial and coastal hazards (e.g. those associated with disaster resilience and protection) and map these values; and C. Build capacity on Cayman Islands to undertake future analysis. The study does not intend to cover the wide variety of Cayman Islands' ecosystems and their associated services but focus on those associated with enhancing disaster resilience against storm surge and inland flooding. Additional information: You are invited by JNCC Support Co (JNCC) to submit a tender for the supply of works or services required under the above project. If interested, you should download and carefully read the documents contained within the zip file
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