Delivery of Pulmonary Rehabilitation - SEL CCG
- Health services
- award
Submission Deadline
2 years ago
2 years ago
South East London Clinical Commissioning Group (SEL CCG) seeks to procure a Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) service from a single provider, for a three year period. This service will be for the residents of the London Borough of Bexley with a diagnosis of COPD or other chronic respiratory condition. The Small Medium Size (SME) Provider (with less than 250 employees) will need to be able to demonstrate a proven track record of delivering pulmonary rehabilitation services in South East London for a minimum of 3 years. Based on current and historic levels of activity, the pulmonary rehabilitation should be completed by up to 290 Bexley patients each year. The provider will need to work with the CCG to maximise value and manage the demand, such that waiting times remain acceptable, and the service operates effectively, targeting those who will most benefit. The Pulmonary Rehabilitation service will be delivered as a combination of exercise and education classes over a 6 week period (patients attending twice weekly) or a 12 week period (patients attending once a week). These classes should include the following: • Duration of aerobic exercise - initially aiming for 20-30 minutes of continuous exercise in each session, then increasing intensity once achieved; this may be comprised of two or more bouts of shorter time periods until the patient is able to achieve the desired 20-30 minutes continuous aerobic exercise. An essential minimum of six weeks, with no maximum upper duration. • Strength training - both upper and lower limbs. Core exercises should be included. • Education should include: o Normal Respiratory Physiology and mechanics • Understanding COPD/chronic respiratory diseases their pathophysiology, causes and treatment • How to equip the individual to improve confidence, self efficacy and self management • The roles of exercise and relaxation • Psychological impacts and minimising their effects • How to manage breathlessness - smoking and smoking cessation services if appropriate • The benefits of regular physical activity and exercise, and how to undertake physical activity and exercise safely and effectively Additional information: Pulmonary rehabilitation shall be offered to: • all patients with COPD who consider themselves functionally disabled by breathlessness (usually people with an MRC score of three or more) • patients with a confirmed diagnosis of other chronic progressive lung conditions (e.g. bronchiectasis, interstitial lung disease, chronic asthma and chest wall disease and also patients pre and post thoracic surgery including lung transplant) • patients who have either recently had an exacerbation of COPD requiring a hospital admission or whose functional baseline has significantly altered and is not following the expected recovery path The Provider will need to be able to demonstrate that it has experience of offering a flexible, hybrid model to enable virtual and face to face classes, depending on patient choice and any further impacts on social contact due to Covid. PR classes must be held in easily accessible locations within the London Borough of Bexley, with parking available and good transport links. The outcomes the service aims to achieve are: • to improve patients' health-related quality of life, breathlessness management, functional and maximum exercise capacity and thus reduce disability associated with chronic respiratory disease • to improve access to pulmonary rehabilitation for eligible patients • to improve completion rates from pulmonary rehabilitation for eligible patients • to provide of a cost-effective, quality assured pulmonary rehabilitation programme that meets the patient's personal needs • to improve patients' confidence in the self-management of their conditions, resulting in appropriate use of other healthcare resources • to ensure users of the service have a positive experience • to promote and embed pulmonary rehabilitation as an essential component in the management of patients with COPD and other chronic respiratory conditions • to improve understanding amongst health professionals of which patients will benefit and should be referred to pulmonary rehabilitation Proposed total duration of contract: 3 years Proposed contract value: £197,000 per annum for 290 patients This opportunity is restricted to Small Medium Size (SME) providers. If you are interested in this opportunity please register on Procontract: . The specification, The Expression of Interest Guidance document and the EOI Bid Response Document are available on ProContract for you to download on Interested organisations must submit a duly completed EOI with response document by 25 March 2022 at 13.00
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