BFI National Lottery Evaluation Strategy Support - AWARD






  • Business and management consultancy services


  • award

Submission Deadline

2 years ago


2 years ago


In September 2022, the BFI released its new 10-year strategy, Screen Culture 2033 , incorporating two core documents: the corporate strategy covering all activity delivered directly by the BFI as a cultural charity; and the National Lottery strategy  (and accompanying Funding Plan) setting out how we will distribute funds in our remit as the distributor for the screen sector. 
      During the BFI's previous strategy period (BFI2022) significant steps were made towards consistently commissioning and learning from evaluations. As part of the new strategy, a more cohesive approach will ensure that evaluation is comprehensively implemented as a core part of the BFI's processes, and that the use of evaluation is maximized.
      The BFI wishes to commission an external evaluation consultant to work with Fund Managers to develop bespoke logic models for each of the 21 National Lottery programmes (incorporating 24 strands and sub-funds with specific priorities) that make up the new strategy.



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  • Award Notice

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Graham Bellas

[email protected]

0207 173 3299

Timeline complete
