Intermediate Care Beds for People in Darlington
- Health and social work services
- Health services
- award
- contract
3 years ago
North of England Commissioning Support (NECS) is working for and on behalf of NHS Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group (the Contracting Authority) who wish to commission an Intermediate Care Beds for People in Darlington. Intermediate care, for the purpose of this service, provides short term nursing, assessment, rehabilitation, re-ablement and recovery care and health crisis support, delivered in partnership with local health and social care organisations, to support people to improve or regain independence, health and wellbeing. It provides an alternative to admissions into acute or long term care (step up) and to facilitate the transfer of care from hospital (step down), thus aiming to support people to return to their own homes as soon as possible and reduce the need for people to go back to hospital. There are two elements to the service, referred to as bed-based support for this two-year contract which are, Rehabilitation and Short stay nursing
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