Contract for the Replacement of the IPTV System for the NI Assembly Commission - BR-067-2021






  • IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • Software-related services
  • Television transmission apparatus
  • Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
  • Installation services of radio, television, sound and video equipment
  • Television and audio-visual equipment


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


The Assembly Commission wishes to procure a supplier for the replacement of the IPTV system. This will include the TV signal distribution, the associated equipment and licences as well the installation and the maintenance of both. This contract will cover: • Replacement of the obsolete TV distribution equipment, including applicable server switching infrastructure, encoders and currently deployed CRT television sets, with a modern, resilient solution that meets the requirements of the Assembly Commission; • The replacement of the current ancillary apparatus such as aerials, which are in a poor state of repair, with a suitable solution to support the new equipment; and • Provision of ongoing hardware and software maintenance for up to 10 years. The installation and support services required as an integral part of this project are as important to the delivery of a successful fulfilment as the quality of the equipment. It should also be noted that the TVDS is integral to the delivery of the services of the Assembly and its Members and any interruption to these services, by whatever combination of equipment or service is unacceptable. Any new solution should also have a digital signage functionality included. This would be via dedicated multicast channels that would have the ability to display internal multi-media content such as corporate messages, health and safety information, marketing and promotion of Assembly events etc. in various locations throughout Parliament Buildings. The Assembly Commission has given careful consideration as to whether any new solution should be on-premise or cloud-based. The requirements for internal broadcast of Assembly proceedings must deliver content as live with minimal latency or delay in the broadcast of proceedings. The Assembly Commission is therefore seeking only those bids proposing an on premise solution Out of scope of this contract are: a The decommissioning and disposal of the current system and associated equipment, including aerials. The Assembly Commission will undertake this exercise themselves. b The replacement of desktop computer equipment, c he provision of a replacement annunciator system, associated distribution system or display equipment. The Assembly Commission is seeking an experienced supplier, with a quality and service focus, which is capable of working with them, through these challenges to deliver the best service possible. The contract will be for an initial period of 62 months. There will be five optional extension periods of up to 12 months each. The hardware required to deliver this contract must be delivered on-site before the end of March 2022. THE ASSEMBLY COMMISSION INVITE PROSPECTIVE TENDERERS TO COME ON-SITE AT PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TO FAMILIARISE THEMSELVES WITH THE BUILDING AND THE CURRENT SET-UP TO HELP INFORM THEIR DECISION TO TENDER AND ASSIST WITH COMPLETING THEIR TENDER BID SHOULD THEY DECIDE TO PARTICIPATE. IF INTERESTED IN THIS OFFER, TENDERERS MUST SUBMIT A REQUEST THROUGH THE MESSAGING FUNCTION ON THE ETENDERSNI PORTAL WITH A PROPOSED DATE AND TIME THAT SUITS. VISITS WILL BE BOOKED ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS AND WILL ONLY BE PERMITTED BETWEEN 10AM AND 4PM 25TH NOVEMBER, 26TH NOVEMBER AND 29TH NOVEMBER 2021.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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