Calming Cafe





  • Health and social work services
  • Social work and related services


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


Calming Cafe Service
Swindon Borough Council invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the provision of a Calming Café Service
Project Description
Swindon Borough Council is looking to procure a Calming Cafe Service that will provide the following:
The successful provider of this contact will be responsible for the delivery of a high quality Calming Café. This service will be open every day and evening, each day of the year, for people in mental health crisis or at risk of developing a crisis. The safe haven approach encourages self-management and independence, with the requirements of the people accessing the service at the heart of the provision.
The Service will be staffed with appropriately trained workers with capacity to work with people in emotional/mental health distress.
The project will operate by:
• Providing an alternative provision to attending Emergency Duty (ED) for people aged 16+ experiencing or at risk of escalating to a mental health crisis
• Providing an alternative provision to attending ED for adults experiencing or at risk of escalating to a mental health crisis
• Offer a safe, supportive and therapeutic environment, promoting independence, opportunity and recovery for all those that need it in the community.
• Promoting empowerment of those using the service by giving them the opportunity to identify their own needs; making their own choices about what will help them; develop their own coping strategies and tools, recognise their own strengths and talents; encourage hope and to work towards improving their own emotional wellbeing.
• Developing partnerships with people using the service, their Family/unpaid carers and statutory and non-statutory organisations, to provide more integrated preventative and crisis management provision.
• Providing an environment which is physically and emotionally safe for those people accessing the service, unpaid/paid carers and staff.
• Encourage those people using the service to make use of their own social network and peer network developing self-management skills and resilience.
To participate, Suppliers will need to Register as a Supplier with ProContract,, then Register an Interest before obtaining access to the tender documents. In the event of difficulties registering as a supplier, please refer to the System Administrator Proactis support team [email protected]
Contract Period
The contract will be initially for a period of 60 months commencing 1st October 2021 with the option to extend for a further 24 months as per the contract terms and conditions.



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  • Contract Agreement

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  • Award Notice

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