Reactive and Planned Maintenance - MECHANICAL
- Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations
- Repair and maintenance services of building installations
- Heating engineering services for buildings
- award
- contract
2 years ago
A single company is to be selected to provide maintenance services, which will be managed by the Corporate Assets Department of Merseyside Police: - - Mechanical works. Scope: - - Reactive repairs, responding to faults and breakdowns, this service is to be inclusive of an out-of-hours provision. - Pro-active servicing of elements and systems, to a pre-determined priced schedule in order to ensure safe and efficient building use and minimise the need for reactive repairs. This opportunity is part of a wider model to renew the current maintenance framework. The other services available are Building Maintenance and Electrical Maintenance. (See Bluelight for further details) NOTE: In order for the Force to maintain an element of resilience in the event of service failure, the maximum any interested party can be awarded is two out of these three available contracts.
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