(NU/1433-33) GitLife Biotech: providing a lab-in-the-cloud versioning control system for engineered cell lines. Commercialisation of university research through provision of management skills to assist in successful spin-out company creation and scale-up





  • Business and management consultancy and related services


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


Professor Krasnogor saw an opportunity in developing a solution to the “Integration” problem that is generic for biotechnology and the life sciences beyond the specifics of these two projects. This is how the idea of establishing GitLife Biotech and the development of the CellRepo technology, as a versioning control system for engineered cell lines, including biotechnology microorganisms, in the cloud was born.
The plan is to spin out GitLife Biotech Ltd in Q3 2022. To be able to spin out and take forward this opportunity, securing the involvement of experienced and appropriate business leadership is both essential and complementary to the existing technical staff and resource.
Commercial and business skills are needed in addition to those in the current team. Moreover, it is clearly the case that Prof. Krasnogor and the current team will need to remain focused on the scientific and technical aspects of the company and be able to place trust in and be guided by experienced staff (ideally with sector experience, networks and VC contacts) who will run the  day-to-day business operations and  company’s strategic development.
Thus, a talented and experienced CEO (Designate) to assist in the development of the business plans and forecasting needed to spin out the company from the University, as well as to provide leadership of GitLife Biotech, is needed.
The person appointed to lead the company formation and development will have experience in business start –ups, deeptech companies or University Spin Outs, marketing, innovation and fund raising.



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