(NU/1433-37) NewCo: The Provision of Business Consultancy to Assist Commercialisation of University Research.





  • Business and management consultancy and related services


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


Cancer and neurodegenerative diseases represent major unmet medical needs. It is estimated that approximately 20% of oncogenes are transcription factors (TFs) and many are critical for carcinogenesis. The global Cancer Drugs market was valued at US$92Bn in 2019 and is expected to reach US$124Bn by the end of 2026. The global neurodegenerative diseases drugs market size was valued at US$35.5Bn Million in 2018 and is projected to reach US$63Bn by the end of 2026. Specifically, we plan to target three cancer related TFs, (ATF4 CREB, and ID1) which are implicated in a range of cancer types that include glioma, breast cancer, acute myeloid leukaemia, and the aggregation of a-synuclein and amyloid implicated in Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's disease respectively.
The initial brief of the executive will be to:
Phase (1) September 2022 - December 2022 - Work with Jody Mason and Uni TT team to review current targets, oversee screening programme and lead candidates and produce a viable 5-year business plan and associated pitch deck;
Phase (2)September 2022 - December 2022 - Navigate University approval process, work with TT team to get approval from the University Commercialisation Executive Board
Phase (3) January 2023-March 2023 – a. Act for the company in the spin out legal process and review the Articles of Association, Shareholder's agreement and IP licence put together by the University;
b. Work with the Unit TT team to obtain founder academics’ and University approval for appointment as CEO.
c. Provide to the University of Bath all matters necessary for Research England reporting requirements.
Phase (4) January 2023-June 2023 - Pitch to investors alongside Jody Mason, secure seed finance, draft and submit Innovate UK proposal for preclinical funding
Phase (5) The outcome of Phase 4 will provide seed finance and IUK funding for preclinical studies, which will be sufficient to employ the executive and drive preclinical development. The appointment of the executive as CEO will be at the discretion of the board and the University of Bath and will be subject to confirmation, typically at Stage 4 above.



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