ESF Skills for Growth: CPD for Allied Health Professionals (AHP)
- Education and training services
- award
- contract
2 years ago
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) looked to procure a lead organisation to deliver training at Level 3 and above which will support individuals employed in Allied Health Professional (AHP) roles (such as paramedics, physiotherapists, radiographers and occupational therapists) across Greater Manchester. The training developed for this sector will form part of the commissioned provision element of the wider Skills for Growth programme. A North West (NW) Allied Health Professionals survey (Annex 11) was conducted in January 2021 to understand how generalist and specialist AHP's are currently supporting cancer patients and to identify specific training needs. AHP's have a key role in delivering personalised care for patients however, the survey highlighted low awareness of personalised care assessments and interventions for cancer patients which needs to be addressed. As part of the intelligence gathering for this specification, we consulted with individuals in AHP roles, their role in delivering care to people affected by cancer is not well defined or recognised and although they play a pivotal role in diagnosis, and personalised treatment, they remain an under-acknowledged part of the cancer workforce. This specification set out requirements for the delivery of training and upskilling for individuals employed in Allied Health Professional roles across Greater Manchester, specifically around caring for patients with cancer. This opportunity was commissioned as a further competition/call off from the education, work and skills flexible procurement system.
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