(NU/1433-44) Senseful AI: The Provision of Business Consultancy to Assist Commercialisation of University Research



As a professional philologist whose research rests at the intersection of linguistics, anthropology, and the cognitive sciences, Dr William Short (PhD, University of California, Berkeley) has pioneered the development of an approach to the description of the conceptual systems of historical societies through the close analysis of language and text. As part of this research, Dr Short developed an innovative search engine technology that enables the identification of relations between concepts within large text corpora, independent of how those concepts happen to be expressed lexically. Seeing this tool’s potential to make searching textual data of all kinds more efficient, more productive, and more rewarding, Dr Short has launched Senseful AI to commercialise the technology for data providers hoping to offer advanced, sophisticated search functionalities to their users.
We are looking for an Executive with the initial brief of the executive will be to:
Phase 1	 Opportunity validation and business plan creation
Review existing business ambitions and options for optimal route to market and generate a viable business plan with realistic funding requirements built on sound market research
Phase 2	Spinout approval
Work with University of Exeter’s technology transfer office and founder academics to develop business case to obtain approval and sign-off for the spin-out company creation
Phase 3	Complete necessary stages for being “ready to spin”
including company formation relevant legal agreements.
Phase 4	Securing seed investment into the company
Achieve investor engagement, commitment and completing a Term Sheet and investment completion, to cover funding required by the business to deliver against the business plan.



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Review of Certain Regulatory Policies For Online Audiovisual Services

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Published 2 days ago

Review of Certain Regulatory Policies For Online Audiovisual Services

Some major English-speaking territories (e.g., Australia, Canada, New Zealand) and many European countries (e.g. Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain) have brought in, are introducing or are considering regulation of online audiovisual services, mainly Video on Demand (VOD) but sometimes also Video Sharing Platforms (VSPs), with the aim to support their national screen industries, especially independent sectors. The measures include investment obligations, levies, rules around rights retention as well as quotas. Within the European Union and the European Economic Area, such interventions are governed by the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). Ahead of the ex-post evaluation of the AVMSD due from the European Commission by December 2026, there is already debate around the current set of interventions that are allowed by the AVMSD and some EU stakeholders will be pushing for revisions to the AVMSD interventions (these might include, e.g. investment obligations, levies, quotas and rights retention as well as whether these parts of the Directive should be extended to VSPs). There are some research reports providing either an overarching view of policy options and drivers in this sphere (such as Film i Väst reports) or a limited release of early data (as in the case of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'image Animée (CNC)), but there is no comprehensive analysis of either the rationale for these measures or their initial impacts on the health of the wider screen ecosystem in the respective territories. The principal focus of this research is the impact of regulation of online services, including VOD (both Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) and Ad-supported Video on Demand (AVOD) platforms), and video sharing platforms such as YouTube and TikTok where relevant. For each country studied, we want to understand the impacts on the audiovisual ecosystem as a whole, and local independent film and TV production in particular (as strengthening the latter is often the objective of such interventions), audiences and cultural diversity. The study should also include a counterfactual which considers these impacts in a territory (outside the UK) in which such measures have not been introduced. Additional information: To take part in this tender, please visit our website, at https://in-tendhost.co.uk/bfi/aspx/Tenders/Current , where you will need to register, if you haven't already, and express an interest in this opportunity to access the relevant documents. Please note expressions of interest will only be accepted via the portal. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


Published 2 days ago

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