21 084 Construction related Consultancy Services





  • Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • Architectural and related services
  • Mechanical and electrical engineering services
  • Quantity surveying services
  • Structural engineering consultancy services
  • Building services
  • Construction-related services
  • Health and safety consultancy services
  • Environmental engineering consultancy services
  • Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services


  • award
  • contract


2 years ago


Cheshire East Borough Borough Council intends to create a consultants Framework for the
provision of construction related professional services. This Framework is to deliver
construction related professional services to all internal departments and any organisation
that Cheshire East Borough Council is associated with, to include its wholly owned
companies, schools, academies, parish/town councils. The overall objective of the
framework is to support the Council to deliver their revenue and capital programmes by;
• Providing professional expertise on construction related projects,
• Providing capacity and skills that allows flexibility where necessary to support existing
Council services
• Providing cost certainty
• Standardise and streamline processes with continuous feedback and performance
improvements with regards to external resource
• Realise efficiencies through knowledge sharing and monitoring & management of
performance in terms of cost and quality
Estimated Value range: Min 1,930,000 to anticipated max 2,910,000, exceptional max 3,500,000 GBP.
The anticipated minimum/maximum values are the value ranges that are expected to be
achieved through the framework. For Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR’s) threshold
purposes the maximum value noted will be the “Exceptional Maximum”. This value has been
included to cover unforeseen works but it is not the expected maximum value.
Suppliers can bid for one or more of the above Lots.
The Council intends to offer the top scoring 3 tenders from each Lot (of the ITT responses) a
position on the framework. The majority of the works will be new build construction,
extension, refurbishment and remodelling projects.



Bypass the hassle of outdated portals. Get all the information you need right here, right now.

  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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Mrs Janet Ellison-Jones

[email protected]

+44 1270686456

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