Highways Construction Materials Framework 2022
- Granules, chippings, stone powder, pebbles, gravel, broken and crushed stone, stone mixtures, sand-gravel mixtures and other aggregates
- Road-construction materials
- Ready-mixed concrete
- award
- contract
2 years ago
Dorset Highways discharges Dorset Council’s responsibilities as a highway authority for Dorset’s network. The service manages over 3,860km of roads, as well as being responsible for everything associated with the highway such as bridges & structures, cycleways, footways, drainage, street lighting, bus stops, road signs & markings, traffic lights and speed limits. Within our service we improve road safety, manage the highway network, implement highway improvements, model future demands, facilitate new development, support our customers, manage on and off-street parking, develop sustainable opportunities and carry out winter maintenance. The highways service is delivered through a mixed economy delivery model which involves Dorset Highways working collaboratively with suppliers. The Council has a broad range of construction materials needs and is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement for supply of these materials under multiple Lots, as follows: Lot 1 - Ready Mix Concrete Lot 2 - Dry Stone Aggregates Lot 3 - Coated Materials Lot 4 - Surface Dressing Aggregates
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