Public Sector Transport Services Tenders

Expand your company's reach with targeted tender opportunities in Transport Services. Our AI-powered search categorises thousands of open tenders, enabling you to quickly access and bid on the most recent Transport Services government contracts.

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Cornwall Airport Newquay is seeking for proposals for a sole supplier passenger Ground Transportation Services. The chosen concessionaire will be responsible for managing and delivery the service, from the site. The contract will be let to one supplier for the initial duration of three years with the option to extend for a further two years.

Published 1 week ago

Cornwall Airport Newquay is seeking for proposals for a sole supplier passenger Ground Transportation Services. The chosen concessionaire will be responsible for managing and delivery the service, from the site. The contract will be let to one supplier for the initial duration of three years with the option to extend for a further two years.

Published 1 week ago

North Somerset Council is seeking a supplier for the supply and installation of street furniture at new transport hubs to be delivered as part of the council's Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) programme. Tender documents are available to view and download from the Supplying the South West portal at The specification details the equipment, services and minor civils works to be provided for four large transport hubs and eight small transport hubs in North Somerset.

Published 1 week ago

North Somerset Council is seeking a supplier for the supply and installation of street furniture at new transport hubs to be delivered as part of the council's Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) programme.

Published 1 week ago

The Dynamic Purchasing System will be used for the provision of bus transport services for home to school and local bus services. The required vehicle size for this contract is 9 seats or more. Passenger assistants may be required on some routes. Once a Supplier has successfully completed their application to the DPS, operators will be advised of the opportunities available as and when they arise. Operators can then choose whether they want to bid for the requirement or not (it is not compulsory to bid for every opportunity offered, and all operators within the DPS approved Supplier list will be informed of the opportunity, but can choose whether or not to bid on an individual basis). Tender opportunities are likely to be offered either via an electronic auction (e-auction) exercise or via an electronic quote mechanism (currently In-Tend). Estimated value excluding VAT: £95,000,000-£150,000,000. For information, the latest annual spend figure through the current DPS was circa £13.5m. In order to submit an application to the DPS and bid for call-off's as and when they arise, you will need to register as a Supplier on our e-procurement portal, CSW-Jets (

Published 3 weeks ago

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