Public Sector Transport Services Tenders
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Weymouth and Kingston Maurward College Invitation to Tender for Student Transport Services. 1st September 2025 - 31st August 2028 (With Optional 2x 12-Month Extension Periods) Includes Lots: Lot 1: Lot 1 - Weymouth College Lot 2: Lot 2 - Kingston Maurward College (including Dorset Studio School) Lot 3: Lot 3 - Both Colleges To access this competition: Registered: Login to and view the opportunity CA15390. Not registered: Visit then register and quote CA15390 as the reason for registration. Any queries please contact MultiQuote on 0151 482 9230.
Weymouth and Kingston Maurward College Invitation to Tender for Student Transport Services. 1st September 2025 – 31st August 2028 (With Optional 2x 12-Month Extension Periods)
HTE are seeking to establish a Transportation DPS for the provision of pathology and pharmacy transport, non-clinical courier services, and bus and community transport services and any associated services. The lot structure for this category is as follows: Lot 1: Medical Couriers Pathology Transport: will be for Specialist Transport Services for the movement of Infectious Substances, Diagnostic Specimens and Other Biological Substances across the UK. There may be a requirement by Participating Authorities to facilitate the movement of the substances to premises outside of the UK. The Admitted Tenderers awarded to this Lot will be able to provide ad hoc and scheduled collections from the Authority premises to an agreed location, including Authority premises and Third-Party locations, such as a referral testing location. The Admitted Tenderers will be able to provide services such as Same Day and Next Day deliveries. The items to be transported may include, but not limited to: • Division 6.2 Infectious Substances (Category A and B) (not inclusive of Clinical Waste) • Division 6.1 Toxic Substances (Biological and Medical Cultures, Samples and Specimens) • Infectious Substances for carriage under UN 2814, UN 2900 and UN3373 Pharmacy Transport: will be for the provision of Pharmaceutical and Controlled Drugs Specialist Transport Services for the movement of pharmaceutical products across the UK. There may be a Participating Authority requirement for movement of items outside of the UK. The items to be transported in accordance with Good Distribution Practice (GDP) Standards may include, but not limited to: • Pharmaceuticals • Controlled Drugs (including drugs precursors) • Medical equipment Lot 2: Non-Clinical Courier Services and associated services Same day or next day service delivering regular and planned or ad-hoc and unplanned logistic requirements. Items to be transported include all non-clinical items which do not require environmental monitoring in transport. Examples of items to be transported could include files/medical notes and general supplies. Requirements may be regular consignment and transfer of mail and files between community, mental health and social care providers. Lot 3: Bus & Community Transport Services and associated services This Lot will include bus and community transport services, for the provision of a service operating vehicle(s) with nine or more seated passenger capacity under a PSV licence or Community Organisations operating under a Section 19 or Section 22 permit. The Participating Authority of this DPS may include NHS Trusts, Hospitals, Community Hospitals and any other authorised healthcare facility, this also may include other non-healthcare public sector organisation which may have a transport requirement.
Cumberland Council is looking to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System ("DPS") for the provision of Passenger Transport Services which includes, but not limited to, Home to School, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Pupil Referral Units, and Health, Care and Communities Transport. The council intends to set up the DPS from 9th April 2025 to 28th October 2028 and admittance of new providers will be all year round. There are no further extensions. It will be a two-stage process: during the first stage interested Tenderers must meet the council's selection criteria in order to be admitted onto the system. Contracts are awarded during the second stage of the process. In stage two the council will invite Tenderers successfully admitted on the DPS to bid for contracts (routes). Providers can join the DPS at any point in time. Contracts will be of varying lengths. The total value for the duration of the DPS, from start date to end date, will not exceed £75M, excluding VAT. Details of expenditure and extension periods are indicative only. Admittance onto the DPS is NOT a guarantee of work and opportunities will be published following the call off procedure. A decision may be made at the Council's sole discretion to carry out transport provision in house. For further details, and to access the tender documents, including the service specification, please use the council's online procurement portal The Chest - Registration on The Chest is free of charge. All bids must be received electronically via The Chest by the closing date stated in the Invitation to Tender (ITT). Any clarifications you have about the tender must be sent via messaging on the chest by the closing date stated in the ITT.
The West Yorkshire Combined Authority (the CA) is seeking a single supplier or consortium of suppliers to provide a new public transport data management system to replace its current existing single system. The core purpose of the Public Transport Data Management System for the CA is to act as a single data hub for public transport information. In this function, it is not an isolated service but rather exists as part of a wider ecosystem in a range of interconnected services that support each other. In their entirety, they support the business processes that deliver the organisation's objectives and must work together to achieve such delivery. From its initial conception and specification of requirements, the data flows and processes in the wider ecosystem have shaped and influenced the design and development of the current system throughout its life. Sought contract term: Initial term of 5 Years plus optional extension of 6 x 1 Years
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