Velindre NHS Trust, NHS Shared Services Partnership - Procurement Services (on behalf of All Wales Health Boards and Trusts)

Body governed by public law



Velindre NHS Trust, NHS Shared Services Partnership - Procurement Services (on behalf of All Wales Health Boards and Trusts)


Body governed by public law


  • Buyer
  • CentralPurchasingBody

Company Size

Company Number

Incorporation Date


Imperial Park Unit 5, Celtic Way

NP10 8BE
United Kingdom


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Open Opportunities

These are contracts by Velindre NHS Trust, NHS Shared Services Partnership - Procurement Services (on behalf of All Wales Health Boards and Trusts) which are open for your company to bid on. You can find information about the estimated value, closing dates, etc. on the card.


Rachelle Elvin

[email protected]

+44 2921500527

Jennifer Tresilian

[email protected]

+44 2921501383

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Statistics (1 Year)