CT1293 - Framework Agreement for Children’s Residential Care and Education



The City of Edinburgh Council (the Council) seek to establish a Framework Agreement for Children’s Residential Care and Education.
Service Requirement
The Council requires to put a multi provider framework agreement in place for the provision of Residential Care and Education within Residential Schools and Care Homes for Children and/ or Young People who have multiple and complex needs and for whom provision of residential care is the best means of improving Outcomes.
The principles of Getting It Right for Every Child are at the heart of this Service. The Council and Providers shall work in partnership to commission and deliver services that will fully support Children and Young People as they grow and develop.
This is broken into three lots:
Lot 1 – Provision of Residential Care:
Residential Care where the child or Young Person attends School elsewhere or is not in education;
Lot 2 – Provision of Education:
Education where the child or Young Person resides elsewhere;
Lot 3 – Provision of Residential Care & Education integrated service:
Residential Care and education provided as a package for the child or Young Person.



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Katy Reed

Published 1 day ago

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Katy Reed

Published 1 day ago

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