EQMS Electronic Quality Management Service - Forensics
- Database and operating software package
- Database systems
- Database software package
- Electronic data exchange services
- Database and operating software development services
- Database software development services
- Information systems or technology strategic review and planning services
- Information systems or technology strategic review services
- Information systems or technology planning services
- System quality assurance planning services
- System quality assurance assessment and review services
- Systems analysis and programming services
- Contract systems analysis and programming services
- Data services
- Data-processing services
- Data entry services
- Data capture services
- Data collection and collation services
- Added-value database services
- Data management services
- planning
Submission Deadline
1 month from now
2 days ago
The Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) timeline for achieving compliance with statutory regulations means that a number of business areas within Surrey Police and Sussex Police are either currently already accredited or are looking to become accredited or compliant with the FSR’s Code of Practice. As such the demand upon the current Quality Management System (QMS) being used, has never been so high and is only due to continue to expand as more units/sites and departments seek to become accredited and become fully engaged with the accreditation process and meeting statutory requirements Issued by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey on behalf of itself and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex (together “the Contracting Authority”) who are seeking to award a Contract for the provision of an Electronic Quality Management System (eQMS). The Requirement will be tendered for a single Supplier. The Contract Term shall be for a period of 5 years with the option to extend by a further two 12 month periods. We are anticipating the tender to be advertised on the w/c 17th March.
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Timeline planned