Cardiff and Vale University Health Board - Pentyrch Supervisor






  • Construction work
  • Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services


  • tender

Submission Deadline

1 week from now


3 days ago


Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Capital, Estates and Facilities Department have the requirement for a Supervisor in the Pentyrch site. 
This is in scope of, Site Progress Meetings, Specialist Design, Town Planning, Building Control, Inspection & Reporting, Interim Assessments, Compliance Checks, Supervisors Tests, Specialists Testing, Defects Log, Inspections and Defects Certificate.
(Please see specification via the eTenderWales portal for more information)



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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Waltham Forest Housing Association (WFHA) is undertaking a competitive tender process to appoint a supplier to deliver their Planned and Responsive Maintenance Services. This process is being managed by Altair Ltd on behalf of WFHA. Please note that this will conclude as WHFA contract and has no connection to Altair Ltd. This ITT is provided on the same basis to all organisations. The aim of this procurement process is to appoint one provider to deliver services outlined within Schedule 6 – Specification. The anticipated annual contract value is estimated at £450,000 for the planned element and £320,000 for the reactive element, resulting in a total estimated annual spend of £770,000. Over the full five-year term, the estimated total contract value is £3,850,000. Please note that whilst this is an estimated contract value it is not in any way guaranteed. Waltham Forest Housing Association (WFHA) are looking for a Service Provider to deliver their planned works and responsive repairs service. WFHA is a small independent and not-for-profit Registered Provider (PR), providing social homes across the London Borough of Waltham Forest for over sixty years. WFHA currently owns 329 homes; 155 general needs, 152 sheltered housing and 21 supported housing for adults with learning disabilities. In addition, WFHA owns a property used to house young homeless people and this is currently 1 leased to another provider. The Service Provider will be required to undertake any external and structural repairs and planned works on this property as part of this contract. Please note internal repairs are not in scope for this contract. A list of WFHA properties is outlined in Schedule 8. Please note the full Schedule 8 is not included in the Invitation to Tender (ITT) Pack and will only be shared once Schedule 7 Property and Asset Confidentiality Agreement has been signed and returned by bidders. WFHA is a community focussed, values-based, tenant-centric organisation. The Service Provider will be required to embody these values and support WFHA in achieving its vision and values as part of the service delivered under this contract. WFHA’s Vision WFHA is working to deliver a future where everyone, in every community we serve, has a safe, affordable home and great life chances; in a society where they are valued and respected. WFHA’s Values We RESPECT people and communities through our belief in equality, inclusion and the value of diversity. We believe we have more in common than things that separate us. We EMPOWER people and communities by maximising strengths and opportunities and building resilience. We are AMBITIOUS, constantly improving, delivering better value for money and striving to provide more homes and services. We CARE about what we do, step up to take responsibility and are passionate about our social purpose and making a positive difference. We are HONEST, act with integrity and are accountable to our tenants, our partners and each other. Further information about WFHA’s service standard and commitments can be found in Appendix 1 - WFHA Service Standards and Commitment. Contract Term The contract duration shall be an initial period of three (3) years with the option of an extension of one (1) plus one (1) year making a total of maximum five years (5) with no further options to extend. Any renewal will be based on satisfactory performance and mutual agreement between both parties. Contract Value The anticipated annual contract value is estimated at £450,000 for the planned element and £320,000 for the reactive element, resulting in a total estimated annual spend of £770,000. Over the full five-year term, the estimated total contract value is £3,850,000.  2. Service Scope and Outcome Scope of Works The scope of work shall include, but not be limited to, the following: General responsive repairs Void services Capital works Electrical - Planned Maintenance and Responsive Repairs Call centre (out of hours only) (Please note that WFHA staff manage call during hours) The scope of work shall not include, but not be limited to, the following: Specialist drainage works (responsive repairs) Gas servicing and installations (responsive repairs and capital works) WFHA acknowledges that this contract is a long-term arrangement and understands that service needs and requirements may evolve over time. Contract Outcome The overall aim of the contract is to establish a positive working relationship between the Service Provider and WFHA, focused on delivering a high-quality service to tenants and tenant-centric outcomes. WFHA are committed to providing safe, good quality and well-maintained homes and the Service Provider must support WFHA in maintaining this commitment. WFHA seeks a Service Provider who will collaborate to deliver high-quality services to tenants and achieving the best outcomes for its tenants throughout the contract’s duration. Tenant Satisfaction Tenants’ opinions on their homes and services they receive are fundamental to WHFA strategic direction and operational delivery and the Service Provider is expected to support WFHA in achieving high levels of satisfaction in relation to the impact the Service Provider’s delivery and conduct has as part of this contract. In line with the Government’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures, WFHA will be monitoring performance relevant to these areas under this contract: TP08: Agreement that the landlord treats residents fairly and with respect TP09: Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling of complaints TP11: Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods WFHA is required to undertake Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) surveys in accordance with the Regulator of Social Housing’s Consumer Standard. The collection of TSMs data will be supported by the TSM survey and any other satisfaction surveys undertaken. WFHA will share any relevant information in regard to TP08, TP09 and TP11 with the Service Provider. The data collected will be used to identify areas of improvement and the Service Provider will be expected to work in collaboration with WFHA. WFHA staff will collect feedback from tenants regarding the quality of service provided during all interactions and this will be shared with the Service Provider to ensure that any failures in services levels are addressed or where they are exceeded it can be passed on to the relevant recipient. Information about WHFA’s most recent TSM survey and tenant feedback can be found here: Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2023. The Service Provider should be aware of and have regard to tenants’ opinions about their homes and services they receive in relation to this contract. 3. Service Delivery: Onsite Conduct The Service Provider shall ensure that all its operatives embody WFHA values and recognise their importance of support WFHA in achieving it vision to serve the community and value and respect their tenants. The Service Provider’s team will be deemed as an extension to WFHA, and its reputation and tenant satisfaction is paramount. WFHA is a small housing association where the Service Provider is expected to be an extension of WHFA and become an integrated service to ensure that tenants feel safe and comfortable in their homes. Several of WFHA’s tenants have additional support requirements that the Service Provider will need to be attentive when onsite and communicating with tenants. WFHA requires the Service Provider to build good communication and engagement with tenants whilst onsite. WFHA expects all members of their staffing structure to have a good understanding of written and spoken English to enable them to read any instructions or converse with any staff or tenants. WFHA will not tolerate any rudeness, bad language or other inappropriate behaviour towards its tenants. If this is reported by a tenant or third party an investigation must be carried out by the Service Provider. If such a report results in a legitimate complaint the Service Provider shall liaise with WFHA and resolve any concerns to prevent repeated issues. As a minimum standard DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks will be required for all staff attending sites and records of these must be provided on an annual basis to WFHA. 4. Service Delivery: Service Provider Identification Identity Cards The Service Provider must supply to all working personnel employed with an ID badge which must contain the following details, as a minimum: Photograph of operative Operative’s name and trade Service Provider’s name and logo ID badges must be worn visibly and be ready for inspection by WFHA tenants and WHFA scheme staff if required. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in tenants or WFHA scheme staff having the right to refuse or terminate services. WFHA will not pay for any refused or terminated service visits. It will be the Service Provider's responsibility to promptly rebook the site visit, ensuring that it does not affect the ongoing work being delivered. The Service Provider must provide WFHA with a list of all operatives that will be working under the contract with their names, description and other information that can used to identify staff if any checks need to be made with WHFA for safeguarding purposes. A list of their training and trade qualifications will be required also where relevant. The Service Provider must inform WFHA if there are any changes in staff allocated to the contract before they commence any work. The Service Provider holds ultimate responsibility for the safety of all onsite employees, tenants, their belongings, visitors, and the immediate environment during any works or services delivered. The Service Provider shall ensure that all floors and surfaces throughout any visit shall be adequately protected against

Katy Reed

Published 2 days ago

Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) - All Saints Church, Sandon

All Saints Church, Sandon is a Grade 1 listed building with a heritage story that goes back as far as the 12th century. The Stories of the people who have shaped the architecture and art of this building have also shaped the local landscape and played a crucial role both locally and nationally. The church is a lasting monument to the tales of the past. It embodies a rich and colourful history from Saxon times, through to establishment after the Norman conquest, a survivor post reformation and a symbol to the families who have cared for it and the local area that has treasured it. The church is in a very rural location and many people are unaware that the building is there. The building and its story need to be re-established locally and new ways of creating access explored. The project, which is funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, will focus on the development of new ways of engaging a wider group of people, centred around the preservation of the building, its history, and the display of All Saints' unique heritage. This will include the continuing establishment of a heritage website, restoration of windows, a royal coat of arms, tombs, wall paintings, and monuments. The project has gone through a development round, where a number of trial activities have taken place. This notice relates to the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) portion of the tender process for these works. Bidders should download, review, and respond to the PQQ as detailed within the attachments to this notice and as provided by the contact listed. Additional information: Please apply directly to Joanna Lawton using the following contact email address: [email protected]

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