Voluntary Occurrence Reporting (VOR)
- Architectural and related services
- tenderAmendment
Submission Deadline
2 weeks from now
1 week ago
HSE is seeking to put in place a contract for the provision of a Voluntary Occurrence Reporting System (VOR) for a period of three years (estimated to be 01 July 2025 to 30 June 2028) with provision to extend by a further two years in annual increments. It should be noted that it is HSE's expectation that any reports that are received prior to the contract expiry/termination date will be managed to a conclusion by the appointed Supplier. The delivery of a Voluntary Occurence Reporting (VOR) system will need to encompass the professional and expert consideration of information about building safety in the built environment in terms of fire and structural issues, with reports submitted and published via an online portal. Professionals should also have the option to submit reports offline (using a form created for that purpose) and the operator must provide a service for the receipt and processing of these reports. It fulfils the statutory requirement for the regulator to appoint someone to deliver a voluntary reporting system, and the information received will also contribute to delivery of the statutory duty of the regulator to keep the safety and standard of buildings under review under Section 5 of the Act. The VOR system will also help to promote both a positive and learning culture within industry which will emphasise industry taking responsibility in developing and sharing solutions within the built environment, enabled by the operator Additional information: All tender documents are available via the HSE In-Tend supplier e-procurement portal. All responses and requests for clarification must be submitted via the portal. Registration is free of charge and can be completed via the following link: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/hse
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