Contract for the Provision of Windrush Compensation Scheme Claims Assistance Service






  • General personnel services for the government


  • award

Submission Deadline

9 months ago


1 week ago


The Secretary of State for the Home Department as part of the Crown, acting through UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) (the "Home Office"), has completed an Open Procurement Procedure under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and is awarding a contract for an independent advisory service to support Claimants of the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

The Home Secretary announced in April 2019 the launch of the Windrush Compensation Scheme ("the Scheme"). It was announced as part of a suite of measures to right the wrongs suffered by those of the Windrush generation and their descendants who faced difficulties in demonstrating their Lawful Immigration Status.

In 2021, the end date for the Windrush Compensation Scheme was removed and the Scheme is expected to continue in the foreseeable future.

The Scheme Rules set out who is eligible to apply under the Scheme, what losses can be claimed for and how the Scheme operates. Further detailed information on the Compensation Scheme, including Scheme Rules, Claim Forms and associated Guidance on completing claim forms is available here:

As part of this Scheme, the Buyer has appointed a Contractor to provide independent advisory services for those wishing to make a claim under the Scheme and support those who require additional support to complete the claim form and / or probate applications. This is an optional service that can be availed by Claimants but is not a requirement to submit their claims.

A three year contract term will commence on 5th May 2025, concluding on 4th May 2028. The Contracting Authority has the option to extend the contract by two further 12-month periods, at its discretion.



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