National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2025-2029
- Survey services
- award
Submission Deadline
2 months ago
1 week ago
The 2025-2029 contract will include preparation of the survey materials; sending out questionnaires; receiving and managing responses and producing outputs. The survey currently uses a 'mixed mode' methodology. Questionnaires are sent by post and two reminder letters are sent to non-responders. Each letter includes information about how to complete the questionnaire online. The current survey results are actively used by providers, Cancer Alliances and charities to identify where care is working well and how NHS cancer services across England can be improved. The survey supports the objectives set out in "Achieving world-class cancer outcomes: a strategy for England 2015-2020" and the NHS Long Term Plan Implementation Framework which explains that "Cancer Alliances will need to set out how the plans will address unwarranted variation, improve patient experience, and be supported by appropriate workforce."
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