HEA24051 Worcestershire Substance Use (Grant Funded) Services: Lot 1: Harm Reduction Outreach Service, Lot 2: Recovery and Aftercare Service
- Rehabilitation services
- tender
Submission Deadline
4 days from now
2 weeks ago
In December 2021, the government published a 10-year drugs plan, 'From Harm to Hope', which committed to additional funding in England up to 2025. This funding has been extended for 2025-26 under the Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Improvement Grant (DATRIG). Worcestershire County Council ("the Council") intend to deliver a number of initiatives across the county that support and enhance substance misuse services using their allocated DATRIG funding. Two of the key priorities for this funding will be Harm Reduction Outreach and Recovery and Aftercare. This tender opportunity will therefore be split into two lots: Lot 1: Harm Reduction Outreach Service - To prevent deaths and reduce harm caused by substance misuse in Worcestershire Lot 2: Recovery and Aftercare Service - To support adults (18 or over) to sustain abstinence or reduced drug/alcohol use in a non-treatment setting by enabling people to gain a sense of control over the challenges they face and the services they receive and helping people to find opportunities to be active and contributing members of society. Contract duration for both lots: 01 April 2025 - 31 March 2026. Further extension will be subject to availability of grant funding. The competitive process will be run in accordance with Regulation 11 of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 ("the Regulations").
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