FW Works - GD3 Repex Tier 1 - Southern 0330





  • Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines
  • General construction work for pipelines
  • Pipelaying construction work
  • Pipeline lifting and relaying
  • Pipeline relaying works
  • Construction work for gas pipelines
  • Gas supply mains construction work


  • tender

Submission Deadline

1 week from now


2 weeks ago


SGN is looking to appoint suitably skilled, experienced and resourced contractors to undertake gas distribution mains and services replacement including diversion and reinforcement work together with all required engineering connection, disconnection and reinstatement work.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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FW Works - SGN Major Works (MW) DPS.MW.727 & Intermediate Pressure (IP) DPS.IP.727 Refurbishment Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) - Multisite 0326

The framework agreement above is now open to new suppliers to join by following instructions issued by the authority. In addition to the Framework Agreement, this Call for Competition is also to advertise a Dynamic Purchasing System for the Major Works (MW) and Intermediate pressure (IP). The DPS will advertise all future workload which becomes available or may include reallocation of work awarded under the new framework agreement where the main supplier(s) is unable to fulfil. The DPS will follow the restricted procedure and suppliers will be admitted based on the criteria set out more precisely in the procurement documents. The DPS will be put in place prior to award of the Framework Agreements. Suppliers who wish to be considered for participation in the DPS should register their details below and SGN will contact suppliers with further details for participation at the appropriate time. The DPS shall comprise the following work packages to be published as and when they become available under the following scope. Major Works (MW) Lot 1 (Lot 1 A Southern) and/or (Lot 1B Scotland) The primary works activity is for the execution of repair and replacement of mains greater than 12" and 355mm PE. Across SGN sites as they arise. • policy abandonment and replacement, with polyethylene pipework, of underground cast iron gas mains and associated steel service pipes with the majority of the cast-iron mains to be abandoned and renewed will be in the diameter range diameter range 9" - 12" ("Tier 2 Mains") • Replacement of all size steel mains and services due to their condition (non-policy mains replacement) • Diversion of mains and services at the request of a third party up to all size greater than 8" • Construction of new reinforcement mains to increase the capacity of the network up to all size greater than 8" Intermediate Pressure (IP) Lot 2 (Lot 2A Southern) (Lot 2B Scotland) The primary works activity is for the execution of Intermediate Pressure Works Across SGN sites as they arise. • Intermediate Pressure (IP) Mains Diversions - Design and Lay • IP Connections - Design and Lay • IP Service Laying (Industrial / Commercial) - Design and Lay • Governor Replacements at all pressure tiers - Design and Build

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