Leicester College call for Turing Scheme Partners
- Education and training services
- tenderUpdate
13 hours ago
In March 2025, Leicester College intends to submit a grant funding application to the Department for Education (DfE) for the 2025/26 Turing Scheme. The Scheme funds mobility placements in education and training across the world. To enable selected 2025/26 student cohorts to benefit from overseas further education-based mobility placements, we are currently welcoming tenders from experienced and reputable organisations to support us by organising, managing, and delivering these international mobility placements. Partners will need to agree to be named in the College's application for funding by signing letters of intent, to be provided prior to interview. Signature of the of the letter of intent should not be interpreted as an undertaking to purchase any goods or services to any specific value. Leicester College proposes contract one or more providers for a maximum period of 12 months.
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