Adult Community Substance Use Treatment and Recovery Services - LCC42936
- Health and social work services
- tender
Submission Deadline
4 days from now
4 weeks ago
"The Authority wishes to commission an Adult Community Substance Use Treatment and Recovery Service. The Service will deliver recovery-oriented substance use treatment and recovery support for adults aged 18 and above as well as for their family, carers, and supporting others. The Service will be delivered across the community and will have strong links with the criminal justice system, health services, social care and the VCSFE. Key aims of the Service will be delivered under 3 core strands: 1. Prevention, Wellbeing, and Harm Reduction 2. Treatment 3. Recovery, Development and Support In addition to the core strands, the Service will be required to deliver against specific pathways for Service Users who have multiple complex needs including: 1. Homelessness and Rough Sleeping 2. Domestic Abuse 3. Mental Health 4. Criminal Justice 5. Family Safeguarding The Service will also work closely with the Authority around managing and responding to Drug and Alcohol Related Deaths and Non-Fatal Overdoses. The service model for the new Community Substance Use Treatment and Recovery Service broadly follows the same structure and principles of the previous contract with additions and amendments reflecting changes in national guidance and an extensive service user and stakeholder consultation. The new Service will be delivered across all of Lancashire See tender documents for full details."
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