Dry Mixed Recyclable Waste Processing Services





  • Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services


  • award

Submission Deadline

1 year ago


1 day ago


The Service Provider must have an operational Facility for Authority Designated Vehicles to deliver Dry Mixed Recycling for sorting into material streams. The Facility must have a valid and appropriate planning permission, environmental and other relevant permits including the relevant technical competencies for the type and amount of waste to be handled under this Contract and otherwise all permissions and certification required for the performance of this Contract. The Provider must adhere to all current UK and EU legislation including but not restricted to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Health & Safety Act 1974.  

The Service Provider will accept and process as a minimum the following materials:
(a)	Plastic bottles: milk, soft drinks, juice drinks, hair care/baby products, laundry products, automotive products, cooking oil, household cleaning products and beverage bottles as well as other plastics: yoghurt pots, plastic tubs, fruit and vegetable punts, plastic meat/ready meal trays; and
(b)	Drink cans, food cans, pet food cans, foil pet food trays/containers, kitchen foil, single use aluminium oven trays, ready meal/take away containers, coffee/tea tins, aluminium party platters, biscuit/sweet tins, aerosol cans, metal jar lids; and
(c)	Wine bottles, beer bottles, jam/condiment jars, sauce jars.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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For the Provision of a Recycling Materials Broker Service (below-threshold concession contract)

The Authority wishes to let a below-threshold concession contract for the collection and sale of waste for recycling by a suitably qualified and competent waste broker, from its depot based at Eastern Avenue, Gloucester. Any contract award will be for an initial period of three years with the option to extend by a further period of twelve months. The waste broker (Brokerage) will collect and transport from the Eastern Avenue, Gloucester Depot, to the appropriate location for recycling (the re-processor) and must hold appropriate carrier licenses, be compliant with all current or amended legislation as is necessary to carry and handle the waste described below. It is further a requirement that the re-processor shall carry the necessary licenses and operate in accordance with current or amended legislation. The Authority shall contact in advance to arrange collection schedules with the appointed Brokerage. The Company will deliver the waste and recycling service in Gloucester City from 1st April 2025. The Authority wish to work with one supplier to manage the sale/disposal of all the recycling products it collects. This will cover the sale of sorted dry recycling materials into the reprocessing markets. It is expected that the income generated from the sale of the recycling streams shall be in excess of the published index for each particular commodity and that any cost incurred by the Authority shall not adversely affect income generated by the Brokerage.

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