Aylesbury Vale Academy - Catering Services
- School catering services
- award
- contract
1 month ago
Aylesbury Vale Academy is currently out to tender for the provision of a full daily catering service.The services at the academy are an outsourced provision.The Contractor will be responsible for the provision of a full school food catering service for the pupils and staff at the academy This will consist of breakfast, morning break and full lunch service for each school day, the Sixth Form serves throughout the day.The catering facilities at the school include two kitchens but one (Primary) does not function as a kitchen it is just used as a servery and for washing up and there are two dining areas in Secondary (Atrium/Dining and main hall) and one in Primary (main hall).Across the school there are currently 1817 pupils on roll for the academic year 2023/24. Of this figure, 173 pupils are entitled to UIFSM and a further 377 to Free School Meals. TUPE is expected to apply, details of which can be found in the tender documentation. There is no LGPS requirement.
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