Ice Cream Concession





  • Food, beverages, tobacco and related products


  • tender

Submission Deadline

1 week from now


2 weeks ago


Dunstable Town Council is seeking expressions of interest from ice cream concession providers to supply ice cream sales in accordance with the attached location and events schedule for the period 1 April 2025 until 31 March 2028 in Dunstable. 

The successful bidder will be expected to work closely with the council's project team throughout the implementation process, as well as to provide ongoing support and training.



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83_25 Supply of Ambient, Chilled, Frozen Foods and Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Salads

This REPLACES the previous Prior Information Notice as tender documentation is now available. ESPO is seeking to put in place a multi-supplier framework for the direct supply and delivery of a range of Ambient, Chilled, Frozen Foods and Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Salad products. Lot 1 - Supply of Ambient, Chilled and Fresh Foods Lot 2 - Supply of Frozen Foods Lot 3 - Supply of Ambient, Chilled, Fresh and Frozen Foods Lot 4 - Supply of Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Salads The framework agreement has the option to extend for up to a further 24 months. The total estimated value stated includes the option period. Food Safety Accreditation - Suppliers must have, and retain throughout the framework lifetime, a relevant third-party food safety accreditation (such as BRC, STS) in relation to the manufacture and/or storage of Food products. Failure to retain such accreditation must be immediately reported to ESPO and will be at the sole discretion of ESPO to suspend or even permanently remove the Supplier from the Framework Agreement. Certificate copies will be sent to ESPO annually, on the expiry/renewal date of such accreditation. Financial - As part of the on-going contract management process, throughout the period of the Framework Agreement, ESPO shall monitor the financial stability of the awarded Supplier by reference to credit rating agency reports. ESPO shall obtain a credit score for the Supplier on or before the Framework start date as a base score and where a significant change in the credit score is identified over the life of the Framework Agreement, ESPO reserves the right to investigate the reasons for this significant change. Depending on the severity of the changes, it will be at the sole discretion of ESPO to suspend or even permanently remove the Supplier from the Framework Agreement. To tender: (a) Go to; (b) Register (if not already registered on ProContract); (c) Search for tender opportunity '83_25' (via "View Opportunities" from the 'EastMidsTenders' Portal); (d) Express an interest (if not already completed via the previously Published PIN); (e) Download the tender documents (from the ProContract Activity summary screen, once an Expression of interest has been completed). Additional information: As a Central Purchasing Body as defined in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the Framework Agreement is open for use by Public Bodies (defined at that also fall into one of the following classifications of user throughout all administrative regions of the UK: Local Authorities; Educational Establishments (including Academies); Central Government Departments and Agencies; Police, Fire & Rescue and Coastguard Emergency Services; NHS and HSC Bodies, including Ambulance Services; Registered Charities; Registered Social Landlords; The Corporate Office of the House of Lords, The Corporate Officer of the House of Commons; or any public body established by or under the Scotland Act 1998 or any Act of the Scottish Parliament. Details of the classification of end user establishments and geographical areas are available at: ESPO has established a commercial trading company, ESPO Trading Limited, whose target clients are third sector organisations such as national and local charities, public sector mutual organisations and other organisations involved in the delivery of services to or for the public sector. The successful Supplier may be asked to enter into an additional separate framework agreement (the Second Framework) with ESPO Trading Limited on materially similar terms to that found in the tender pack to be entered into by ESPO itself. Any Second Framework agreement will be a purely commercial agreement and will, for the avoidance of doubt, not be governed by the Public Contract Regulations 2015 or other public procurement legislation. ESPO Trading Limited may enter into the second framework agreement with the successful supplier and make it available to third sector clients who themselves are not required to follow the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 or other public procurement legislation. Accordingly, this is provided for bidders information only. An eAuction process may be used to award subsequent call off contracts following the reopening of competition among the parties to the Framework Agreement.


Published 1 day ago

Multi Temperature Food Solutions 2025

NHS Supply Chain: Food seeks to establish a Non-exclusive Framework Agreement for the supply of Multi Temperature Food Solutions to Trusts within the NHS (the "Customer(s)"). via the Direct Route covering products from the following categories: - Ambient Food Products - Chilled Food Products - Frozen Food Products It is anticipated that in the first 24 months the value of the Framework Agreement will be in the region of £172,300,000. This is based on the 164 Trusts currently using the NHS Supply Chain: Food's framework. For the full 48 month term (if extended) the anticipated value of the Framework Agreement will be in the region of £354,300,000. These values are approximate only and are based on the most recent historical usage information, with a forecasted level of growth. The values provided are for guidance only and are not a guarantee of business. Additional information: This procurement exercise will be conducted on the NHS Supply Chain eProcurement portal at Candidates wishing to be considered for this contract must register their expression of interest and provide additional procurement-specific information (if required) through the NHS Supply Chain eProcurement portal using the URL to access the portal. Please see instructions below on how to Express Interest and Intend to Respond: Selection Questionnaire 1. Once you have registered and logged in to Jaggaer, you will see a section called 'Supplier Area'. Under this you will need to go to 'ITTs open to All Suppliers'. In this section you will find ITT_1618 titled 'Multi Temperature Food Solutions 2025', click into this. 2. Once you have clicked into the ITT, click 'Express Interest' in the top right-hand corner. Once you have expressed interest in the ITT, a new option will appear titled 'Intent to Respond'. You will need to click intend to respond to be able to fill in a response. 3. Once you have Expressed Interest and Intended to Respond to the ITT, this will now sit under 'My ITTs' in the Supplier Area and will no longer show under 'ITTs Open to all Suppliers'. Lots: Once you have registered and logged in to Jaggaer, you will see a section called 'Supplier Area'. Under this you will need to go to 'ITTs open to All Suppliers'. In this section you will find 3 ITTs which are the Lots for this Framework Agreement. The ITTs will have the following titles: ITT_1619 - Lot 1 - Ambient Food Products ITT_1620 - Lot 2 - Chilled Food Products ITT_1621 - Lot 3 - Frozen Food Products Once you have clicked into your chosen Lot(s), click 'Express Interest' in the top right-hand corner. Once you have expressed interest in the ITT, a new option will appear titled 'Intent to Respond'. You will need to click intend to respond to be able to fill in a response. Once you have Expressed Interest and Intended to Respond to the ITT, this will now sit under 'My ITTs' in the Supplier Area and will no longer show under 'ITTs Open to all Suppliers'. Submission instructions for this procurement will be included within the Invitation to Tender document. Please ensure to download and read all documents contained within the Attachments area. Details of how to submit your response can be found within the Invitation to Tender document. For any technical help with the portal please contact: Tel: 0800 069 8630 or email: [email protected]

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Gina Thanky

[email protected]


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