New Build Contractors (Offsite Construction, Delivery & Install)





  • Modular and portable buildings


  • tender

Submission Deadline

4 years from now


1 week ago


Procurement Assist Limited is seeking service providers to take part in tendering for a place on a 60 month Dynamic Purchasing System for New Build Contractors (Offsite Construction, Delivery & Install) 
The DPS will be available for use by iFM Bolton and the whole public sector from across the United Kingdom.  The DPS initial application period is 30 days but will remain open until 31 May 2029.  Applications from service providers can be made at any time during this period.
The DPS is intended to be a fast route to market for Clients, with Clients not needing any further engagement with OJEU procurement processes.
Procurement Assist is publishing this Notice of Amendment made pursuant to the original Notice 2020/S 084-199965 to extend the DPS to 31 May 2029.  The remaining information in relation to this DPS is unchanged.



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  • Contract Agreement

    The official contract terms, conditions, and scopes of work.

  • Award Notice

    Details on the tender award and selected suppliers.


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Opportunity Notice - Modular & Prefabricated Building Solutions and Associated Services

The aim of this procurement is to appoint a number of suppliers who specialise in the design, manufacture, supply, installation and maintenance of various modular/pre-fabricated buildings for use by the NHS and wider public sector bodies in the UK. The authority recognises that the expertise required will exist both nationally and at a local level and aims to be as inclusive as is practicable in order that the awarding authority has the most appropriate resource available. It is intended that the Framework Agreement will be structured in 03 (Three) lots, as follows: a. Lot 1: Consultancy Services; b. Lot 2: Modular & Prefabricated Building Services; and c. Lot 3: Managed Services Additional information: Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via: https:// ; once logged in, register your interest under the ITT No: 4621 and follow the guidance there. The framework is open the below and the full list is shown in ITT SCHEDULE 1 1.1.5 Subject to approval from the contracting authority, public sector bodies eligible to use the framework agreement include, in particular, the following in the United Kingdom & their respective statutory successors & organisations created as a result of re-organisations or organisational changes, & any private sector entities having similar procurement needs: The NHS in England (National Health Service for the United Kingdom) including but not limited to Trusts, Acute (Hospital) Trusts, Ambulance Trusts, Mental Health Trusts, Care Trusts listed at: https:// Clinical Commissioning Groups: Area Teams: Special Health Authorities: Department of Health: Arm's Length Bodies: Integrated Care Boards (ICB's) & their individual constituent organisations NHS England: Organisations commissioning and/or overseeing General Practitioner services, GP consortia, GP Practices & any other provider of primary medical services: Commissioned by NHS England or other organisations involved in commissioning or overseeing General The NHS in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland including but not limited to Primary care services - GPs, pharmacies, dentists and optometrists, Hospital services, and community services, including those provided through community health centres and mental health services at: NHS Wales (National Health Service for Wales): including but not limited to Welsh Health Boards, NHS Trusts and Public Health Wales: NHS Scotland (National Health Service for Scotland) including but not limited to Regional NHS Boards, Special NHS Boards & public health body at: Health and Social Care Services in Northern Ireland: (National Health Service for Northern Ireland) including but not limited to Health Trusts, Social Care Board and other HSC Agencies: Social Enterprise UK: Local Authority Councils in England, Scotland and Wales: county, unitary, district, borough, and metropolitan councils (parish/community councils), Local Councils in England, Scotland and Wales: Local Authority Councils in Northern Ireland

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