ID 5315228 - DfE - InterTradeIreland - Website Development Support and Maintenance
- IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- Internet services
- Computer-related services
- Software package and information systems
- Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software package
- Database and operating software package
- Information systems and servers
- System, storage and content management software package
- System, storage and content management software development services
- Content management software development services
- Database-management system
- Database and operating software development services
- Database software development services
- Web page editing software development services
- Operating system enhancement software development services
- award
- contract
1 month ago
InterTradeIreland is the All-Island Economic Development Agency. As one of the cross-border bodies established under the Belfast Good Friday Agreement, InterTradeIreland is funded by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment in Ireland and the Department for the Economy (DfE) in Northern Ireland. The InterTradeIreland website serves as a crucial tool for communicating the organisation's mission, services, and offerings to cross-border companies, key stakeholders, and the wider public. It holds substantial significance as the primary interface representing the organisation to the public. Currently, the website garners an average of over 10,000 sessions per month. InterTradeIreland seeks an experienced web provider capable of managing, hosting, and providing support, maintenance, and future development services for its current website, which is required to operate on the Craft content management system (CMS) to deliver the functionality as detailed in this specification. The initial contract period is for 3 years with 2 further optional extension period of up to 1 year each. Please refer to the document entitled “ID 5315228 – Mid-Tier Schedule 2 (Specification)” for full details of the requirement.
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