Specialist Education Framework Phase 1 – Independent Non-Maintained Special Schools Lots 1 and 2
- Education and training services
- award
- contract
1 month ago
This is a new competitive procurement using a open procedure conducted in accordance with the light touch regime of the Public Procurement 2015 Regulations. Nottinghamshire County Council (‘the Council’) are running an open tender process to establish a new framework under which the Council are looking to commission Independent non-maintained special schools (INMSS) and Post-16 (where the provision is delivered in house by the school) for the provision of specialist school placements for pupils who are not attending mainstream or maintained schools and who have an Education Health Care (EHC) Plan. The establishment of a framework agreement for INMSS is the first phase of the recommissioning of the Specialist Education provision for the Council as set out in the Vision document. Ultimately the framework will be extended to include Alternative Education Provision and Post-16 institutions (e.g., further education colleges that are not part of the INMSS), that will be the second/third phases of the recommissioning project and new procurement processes will be run at later dates which are yet to be decided. The new framework will replace the current Independent / non-maintained special schools Approved Provider List for Nottinghamshire (NAPL).
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