Property Maintenance Framework



CHP wishes to commission experienced and appropriately qualified organisations for the provision of property maintenance works to its owned and managed properties under a Framework Agreement. The works will comprise of responsive repairs, planned works, Decent Homes works and void (empty) property works.
The Framework will be split into the following Lots. The intended number of contractors to be awarded is beneath each Lot description. Bidders may bid for, and be awarded to, multiple lots.
Lot 1: Multi-trade works (void properties)
6 x contractors
Lot 2: Multi-trade works (occupied properties)
6 x contractors
Lot 3: Groundworks (occupied properties)
2 x contractors
Lot 4: Installation & maintenance of UPVC windows and doors (occupied properties)
2 x contractors
Lot 5: Guttering & roofline works (occupied properties)
1 x contractor
All Call Off Works carried out under the Framework, other than those awarded via Further Competitions, will be based on the M3NHF V7 Schedule of Rates (SORs) and M3NHF V7 Specification.
CHP’s intention is to offer works to each Contractor on an equal basis within each separate Lot, subject to each Contractor’s capacity at the time that work is required. As such, the distribution of works is likely to be influenced by factors such as volume of work and Contractors’ capacities. In any case, the distribution of works shall always be at CHP’s sole discretion and there are no guarantees that upon completion of the Framework, work will have been distributed evenly amongst all Contractors within each separate Lot.



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  • Contract Agreement

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  • Award Notice

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